Rabu, 06 November 2013

[B412.Ebook] Ebook Download Fever Pitch: Love Lessons, Book 2, by Heidi Cullinan

Ebook Download Fever Pitch: Love Lessons, Book 2, by Heidi Cullinan

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Fever Pitch: Love Lessons, Book 2, by Heidi Cullinan

Fever Pitch: Love Lessons, Book 2, by Heidi Cullinan

Fever Pitch: Love Lessons, Book 2, by Heidi Cullinan

Ebook Download Fever Pitch: Love Lessons, Book 2, by Heidi Cullinan

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Fever Pitch: Love Lessons, Book 2, by Heidi Cullinan

Sometimes you have to play love by ear.

Aaron Seavers is a pathetic mess, and he knows it. He lives in terror of incurring his father's wrath and disappointing his mother, and he can't stop dithering about where to go to college - with fall term only weeks away. Ditched by a friend at a miserable summer farewell party, all he can do is get drunk in the laundry room and regret he was ever born. Until a geeky-cute classmate lifts his spirits, leaving him confident of two things: his sexual orientation and where he's headed to school.

Giles Mulder can't wait to get the hell out of Oak Grove, Minnesota, and off to college, where he plans to play his violin and figure out what he wants to be when he grows up. But when Aaron appears on campus, memories of hometown hazing threaten what he'd hoped would be his haven. As the semester wears on, their attraction crescendos from double cautious to a rich, swelling chord. But if more than one set of controlling parents have their way, the music of their love could come to a shattering end.

Warning: Contains showmances, bad parenting, Walter Lucas, and a cappella.

  • Sales Rank: #22818 in Audible
  • Published on: 2015-03-18
  • Format: Unabridged
  • Original language: English
  • Running time: 708 minutes

Most helpful customer reviews

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
A rating...
By Smitten with Reading
My Review:
I had a chance to get this book from the publisher for review and passed up on it because I wasn't so sure about the whole music theme. Then all the reviews started coming in and I had to have it because everyone was raving about it. And to be honest, I loved the first book in the series so I don't know why I didn't jump on this one besides an overpacked review schedule.

And just so you know up front...yes, the hype was right. This book is excellent!

The book starts with the end of high school with Giles and Aaron. Giles was the flaming gay kid that was bullied all through school...to the point of repeat hospitalizations. So he is thrilled about going off to college where people are more open minded, but his best friend, Mina, talks him into going to one final party in their hometown. There he runs into Aaron. Aaron is a new kid, but he's managed a level of popularity just because he's good looking and doesn't make waves. He's also deeply closeted and unsure about every single thing in his life. His parents make the decisions for him with an iron fist and that's left him unable to stand up for what he wants. Right now his main concern is college and finding a plan that will satisfy his very demanding father. The two guys have a single night together and then things are misunderstood between them. But it does do two things...that night lets Aaron know that yes, he is most definitely gay; and he plans to go to the same college as Aaron.

And that's when the real journey begins. And this book is a journey. It's about college and discovery and for these guys...learning to stand on their own and make their own connections and discoveries about themselves and others. Nothing is easy for anyone in this book. Giles has spent his life hiding in the shadows from the bullies. Aaron has spent his life living for his parents. And those are just the main two characters, but this book is rich with other characters, just as tormented and lost, making their own discoveries. It's an amazing book and as a mother of a college-age boy, I just wanted to round them all up and protect them from the realities of a harsh world. But that's kind of the point...they are learning how to stand up for themselves for the first time in their lives.

There are so many layers to this book...the harsh realities of the GLBT life; making adult decisions; finding a support network; seeing when others need a lift up; standing up for what you believe in. But it's all set to a world filled with acapella music that I loved. If ever a book needed to come with a soundtrack, I wished this one did, but Heidi Cullinan did an amazing job describing the score and the sounds and the magic that Aaron could create with his music. The book swept me away and I immediately wanted to reread the entire book when I reached the last page.

I hope that Samhain releases this one in print like they did the first book in the series. This is a series I want on my print keeper shelf. And there's another book coming. I'm crossing my fingers that it's about Baz and Elijah, although I'm not sure my heart can take the angst that will come with their story. Both these guys...my heart bleeds for them. Just like it did for all of them in this book. Heidi Cullinan stole my heart with these characters. Such an amazing book!

I highly, HIGHLY recommend it!! Oh, and read book #1 too...just because it's really good too. But they both work as stand-alones.

2 of 2 people found the following review helpful.
Holy crap this book
Holy crap this book! You will be left with your mouth hanging open at the end of this one I promise! Then you will be scrambling to find book 3! Thank goodness if you are just starting this series you don't have to wait like I did: BRUTAL!! I love this author and her ability to craft an amazing story and you will love Aaron and Giles as much as I did, and don't worry you will see Walter and Kelly also!

1 of 1 people found the following review helpful.
Beautifully Layered, Heartbreakingly Real. Highly Recommended Along with a Box of Tissues
By Melanie Marshall
Another Scattered Thoughts and Rogue Words.com review

Rating: 4.5 stars out of 5

Sometimes you have to play love by ear.

Aaron Seavers is in a world of pain and he doesn’t know what to do about it. His strict controlling father wants him to pick out a suitable college and do it now. But Aaron doesn’t know what he wants to do with his life even if his father had decided for him. His divorced mother won’t support him against his father so Aaron knows he’s on his own and that’s a very lonely place. But no one would guess all that lurks just underneath the exterior of a boy considered one of the popular crowd and its just the tip of the secrets Aaron is hiding.

Giles Mulder can’t wait to get the hell out of Oak Grove, Minnesota. Giles has been through the horrors that middle and high school hold for someone who is different, gay and very different. Bullied, beaten, hospitalized, its all been a large part of Giles’ life, made bearable by the love and support of his parents and family. Now the chance to escape and reboot his life at college looms large. Giles is headed off to St. Timothy’s College where he intends to play his violin, and be everything he wasn’t in high school. Then he meets a drunken Aaron Seavers hiding in a closet at the party and it changes everything.

Aaron is in the closet in almost every way until Giles helps him out and home during a drunken binge at a party. When Giles mentions the college he is going to in the fall, something clicks with Aaron, unbeknownst to Giles and his plans. When Aaron appears on campus,, Giles is afraid that his high school experience is about to repeat itself. For Aaron, Giles rejection is just one more thing to overcome. Neither young man is prepared to the adjustments and changes that college has in store for them both. Giles and Aaron soon realize that sometimes you have to play love by ear in order to find that which you have always wanted.

The title Fever Pitch comes from a quote in the story, advice actually, that if you want something so badly don’t go after it in a fever pitch but slow down, make sure its real, and not just the perception of something you think you want to have. Excellent advice for the title characters here and life in general. Fever Pitch, the second in the Love Lessions series, by Heidi Cullinan, presents two young men on the cusp of adulthood. From starkly different background and families, they represent the best and the worst examples of teenagers dealing with their sexuality and thoughts of the future. Aaron’s childhood is one of stultifying control and restrictions. Even Aaron’s parents divorce, didn’t free him from his father’s oeverbearing, restrictive rules and regulations, especially as his mother lacks the ability to support and parent her son. Every aspect of Aaron’s life has been directed by his father and until his meeting with Giles, that wasn’t about to change. Outwardly, Aaron has everything, including being part of the “in” crowd at school, a faction of which has been tormenting Giles. Inside? Aaron is a mess. Giles, on the other hand, has the love and support of a family who adores him and that includes his homosexuality which they accept. But where Giles has it easy at home, school has been one nightmare after another, so much so that he has ended up in the emergency room at numerous occasions. Two young men, at odds with their surroundings, uncertain about their futures waiting ahead of them.

Heidi Cullinan is one of those writers who is able to take a teenage character and present them in a realistic and complex fashion. Both Giles and Aaron feel absolutely believable, up to and including their histories and back stories. The launching pad of this story is that odd time of panic and anticipation that happens at the end of the high school year, just before you leave for college. Too many paths branching out before you, so many unanswered questions tossing about in your head as you step forward towards your first experience of independence. Cullinan remembers this well and her ability to bring such a time of uncertainty and flux to life makes this story and these characters so moving and memorable.

There are so many wounded young men walking through these pages. And while the damage done to them all carries the same hefty emotional weight, each received their wounds in different manners. Aaron and Giles are so different yet the empathy and pain you feel for them both is balanced and heartfelt. Aaron especially with his moments of darkness and depression feels scarily authentic. Giles’s attitude and assumptions also feels right for someone of his age and experience. Sometimes you forget how hard it is to be 18 and this story is a perfect reminder of how tumultuous it can be and how out to sea they can feel.

One of the important aspects of this story and one that is beautifully portrayed is St. Timothy’s music department, along with the acapella songs that choral groups (that Glee and Perfect Pitch brought to everyone’s attention) sing as well as the school competitions and inequalities present among boy and girl groups. The interdepartmental politics and competition among students is laid out in a way that feels as real as every other element here. That includes the songs and arrangements mentioned throughout the novel.

There is angst, oh my so much angst, that your heart will bleed a little along with the characters. Through devastating events and stunning reversals of situations and beliefs, this is a story that creeps into your heart and mind to stay. Characters from the first story, Kelly and Walter, have huge roles to play here as do the characters of Baz and Elijah (yes, that’s Bad in Baltimore’s Elijah). But through all the issues, and swirl of emotions and adjustments, it still comes down to the love and romance of Aaron and Giles as they take their first steps towards adulthood and the life they want for themselves and each other.

Fever Pitch words fine as a stand alone or as part of a series. I missed out on Love Lessons and Frozen Heart and will now rectify that omission. Like me you don’t have to wait for those stories to pick this one up now. Its a must read as far as I am concerned. Heartwarming, deeply moving, and an ending you won’t believe. Get started today!

Cover artist: I couldn’t find it but as lively and fun as that cover it, it didn’t reflect the story inside.

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[B412.Ebook] Ebook Download Fever Pitch: Love Lessons, Book 2, by Heidi Cullinan Doc

[B412.Ebook] Ebook Download Fever Pitch: Love Lessons, Book 2, by Heidi Cullinan Doc
[B412.Ebook] Ebook Download Fever Pitch: Love Lessons, Book 2, by Heidi Cullinan Doc

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