Sabtu, 04 September 2010

[D224.Ebook] Free PDF Ten Walks In Calcutta, by Prosenjit Das Gupta

Free PDF Ten Walks In Calcutta, by Prosenjit Das Gupta

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Ten Walks In Calcutta, by Prosenjit Das Gupta

Ten Walks In Calcutta, by Prosenjit Das Gupta

Ten Walks In Calcutta, by Prosenjit Das Gupta

Free PDF Ten Walks In Calcutta, by Prosenjit Das Gupta

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Ten Walks In Calcutta, by Prosenjit Das Gupta

A useful guide for anyone visiting Calcutta, especially first-timers, this is a book that even old residents of the metropolis will find a treasure trove of detail and history. From a brief social, political, economic and cultural account of the city's growth, the book takes the reader through ten walks covering Calcutta that capture the essence of its people and places, its sights and sounds, its temples and ghats. The city boasts of a long list of luminaries - Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, his disciple Vivekananda, Noble laureates Rabindranath Tagore and Ronald Ross (who conducted most of his research here) to name a few. One of the walks takes the visitor through the BBD Bag area where the British settled and which formed the hub of social life in those days. Another one is along the east bank of the Hooghly River - an integral part of the city - to the Eden Gardens cricket stadium and down to the Bhagwati temple build almost two hundred years ago. Calcutta, dubbed the City of Palaces' in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries comes alive in this book.

  • Sales Rank: #5357899 in Books
  • Published on: 2000-06-01
  • Ingredients: Example Ingredients
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 182 pages

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Ten Walks In Calcutta
By Paul Ancheta
"Ten Walks In Calcutta" by Prosenjit Das Gupta is a thoroughly-researched guide to Kolkata's myriad heritage sites, grouped according to city location. The author provides a colorful, historic background to each site, allowing the reader to visualize the contemporaneous state of social affairs during Kolkata's time as the capital of the British Raj period. This is an indispensable book to those who want to understand the city's blazing past, along with the men and women who made it such a legendary colonial city.

See all 1 customer reviews...

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[D224.Ebook] Free PDF Ten Walks In Calcutta, by Prosenjit Das Gupta Doc

[D224.Ebook] Free PDF Ten Walks In Calcutta, by Prosenjit Das Gupta Doc
[D224.Ebook] Free PDF Ten Walks In Calcutta, by Prosenjit Das Gupta Doc

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