Senin, 06 September 2010

[I210.Ebook] Ebook Free Fire That Could Jump The Ocean, by Tom Scarrella

Ebook Free Fire That Could Jump The Ocean, by Tom Scarrella

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Fire That Could Jump The Ocean, by Tom Scarrella

Fire That Could Jump The Ocean, by Tom Scarrella

Fire That Could Jump The Ocean, by Tom Scarrella

Ebook Free Fire That Could Jump The Ocean, by Tom Scarrella

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Fire That Could Jump The Ocean, by Tom Scarrella

Revival and fire go together like water and wet. In this book, Tom Scarrella chronicles three outbreaks of revival fire – Charles Parham in Topeka, Kansas; Evan Roberts in Wales; and the Azusa Street with Daddy Seymour. Fire is the number one essential ingredient in the Christian life. The fire of God is the passion, motivation and power to accomplish the will of God.
John the Baptist referred to Jesus when he said, “I will baptize with water, but there is coming one after me who will baptize you with the Holy Ghost and fire.” This is why Jesus told His disciples to go and tarry at Jerusalem… until they were endued with power — fire — power — power to be a witness. We cannot do without the mighty baptism in the Holy Ghost and fire!

  • Sales Rank: #1156240 in eBooks
  • Published on: 2013-09-10
  • Released on: 2013-09-10
  • Format: Kindle eBook

About the Author
Tom Scarrella is the founder/president of Scarrella Ministries, an international traveling ministry based out of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Tom is also the founder and director of Ministry Training Institute (MTI), a correspondence based ministry training program. In addition, Tom and his wife, Susie, host and produce their own weekly television program, “All for the Kingdom,” which airs in over 200 million homes around the globe. At the HEART of Scarrella Ministries, revival burns. It is their passion to see the body of Jesus Christ fervently set ablaze with Grace, Truth, Miracles, and with the Power of God, reaching out to a lost world to establish the Kingdom of God among men. Beginning in the ministry in 1986, Tom pastored until 1994 when after transitioning their entire ministry, he founded Scarrella Ministries and began traveling worldwide igniting revival fires. Since their marriage in 2003, together Tom and Susie, have ministered in over twenty nations and in every one of the United States of America. Since their ministry's inception, they have continued to minister with a strong emphasis on Revival, Passion, and the Power of God. As a ministry, since 2003 they have been witness to a mighty increase in miracles, signs, and wonders as unlike any other time in the history of Scarrella Ministries. As a result, thousands have been healed from blindness, deafness, lameness, and diseases. And just as with the commission of the early disciples, SIGNS and WONDERS follow their ministry.

Most helpful customer reviews

0 of 0 people found the following review helpful.
Five Stars
By pedro l Gonzales jr
Lit me on fire for God want more of his presence

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[I210.Ebook] Ebook Free Fire That Could Jump The Ocean, by Tom Scarrella Doc

[I210.Ebook] Ebook Free Fire That Could Jump The Ocean, by Tom Scarrella Doc

[I210.Ebook] Ebook Free Fire That Could Jump The Ocean, by Tom Scarrella Doc
[I210.Ebook] Ebook Free Fire That Could Jump The Ocean, by Tom Scarrella Doc

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